Study in Italy

Italy is the place where the first universities in the world were born in the 11th century, but also the place where, at the end of the 20th century, the harmonisation of the architecture of the European Higher Education system (Bologna Process) started. Having solid roots in the past, studies in Italy are also firmly projected into the future. Therefore there are academic excellences not only in art, history and literature, but also in contemporary design, architecture, engineering, economy, life science and applied science.
The Italian government considers research to be part of its strategy for maintaining high standards in the sphere of world technological sustainable development. The Italian education system has many public and private universities and AFAM (Alta Formazione Artistica, Musicale e Coreutica) Institutes which cover a wide spectrum of study paths, life experiences and employment opportunities. Several courses (close to 500), especially for Master or PhD degrees and some fellowships are fully offered in English.
Tuition and living costs in Italy are very affordable and the quality of the social life in the student community is typically excellent. About 80,000 international university students are now studying in Italy.
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